SampleOptimizer™ represents the latest evolution in long term monitoring optimization (LTMO) software. For the first time, the power of true mathematical optimization has been applied to LTMO in an easy-to-use desktop software tool to reduce sampling redundancy. SampleOptimizer™ is the culmination and combination of years of research in mathematical optimization, data analysis, and environmental engineering. Experts in the fields of geology, hydrogeology, computer and environmental engineering, geostatistics, contaminant geochemistry, and remedial system optimization have applied their technical and field expertise to develop the sound approaches implemented in the software.
SampleTracker™ is an additional software module that reviews new monitoring data against historical data. The software identifies cases where current data deviates from expectations that are based on the historical dataset.
ModelBuilder™ is an additional component within the software that is utilized by the SampleOptimizer™ module and, in some cases, by the SampleTracker™ module. ModelBuilder™ has two sections: one for model fitting, visualization, and analysis, and another for visualizing uncertainty.

Above: Optimization with SampleOptimizer™ of a real site impacted by benzene, showing a savings of over 50% fewer samples.
(Crosses are sampling locations recommended by SampleOptimizer™ to not be sampled)
Above: Alert dialog showing an out-of-bounds condition being detected and displayed to the analyst for further evalutaion.
For more information, please see the user manual (PDF) and quick start tutorial (PDF).